Welcome To
Advance Foot Care Center
Are you looking for a foot doctor? Pain and loss of function in our feet and ankles can be a huge obstacle, and we understand that getting your body back to normal is of the utmost importance to you.
That is why we offer the highest standard of care in podiatry. We seek to make your visit simple, stress-free, and effective! It is our goal to resolve your pain and function issues in a way that allows you to live the life you are accustomed to.
Contact us today to learn more about podiatry or any specific conditions you may be experiencing. We’d be happy to speak with you and discuss your care!

Bunions are painful bone deformities in the big toe. When the toe is misaligned, the joint in the toe grows larger, creating a protuberance over time. These lumps can cause constant pain from rubbing against shoes, which in turn, irritates the joint resulting in a large bump.

Although many people consider calluses to be a simple skin problem, it is actually an indicator of bone problems. In the foot, calluses are typically seen on the heels, balls of the feet, and on the outer side of the big toe. Calluses have their own nerves and sacks of fluid that act as cushioning, which can cause pain over time.

Corns are small calluses that usually occur on the feet and on or between toes in weight-bearing areas. Corns are usually caused by ill-fitting shoes and can grow into unsightly, hardened patches that become a nuisance.

Diabetic Foot
Diabetes is a chronic disease causing high blood glucose (sugar) levels. Diabetes also weakens your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight off infections, which can, in turn, damage your nervous system. This damage can affect the ability to feel sensations in your feet.

Flat Feet
A common condition of the foot structure, flat feet, is caused by an undeveloped arch of the foot. While infants and toddlers lack arches in their feet, the structure continues to develop through adolescence and is fully formed by adulthood.



Diabetic Foot